Slow cooking this family favorite soup allows all the flavors and spices to intensify and delivers a delicious, hearty meal every one is sure to enjoy....
I tinkered with a few recipes and came up with this one. I have tinkered with this recipe and added celery once and leeks another time, for me all it did...
A creamy pumpkin soup for autumn. This soup is smooth and flavorful, and the addition of ginger lends a sweet and spicy flavor to a traditional seasonal...
A pureed vegetable soup can be an impressive, easy and affordable first course for an elegant dinner, or even a light dinner on its own with salad and...
This is a ridiculously easy soup, especially since it cooks in a slow cooker! When it's been simmering all day, you come home to an amazing aroma and a...
This oddly wonderful combination of ingredients make a surprisingly different and delicious soup that everyone will enjoy! Serve with a dollop of sour...
Very filling and even a little naughty, this butternut squash soup is a decadent appetizer. Butternut squash is hearty on its own, but the coconut milk...
This soup embodies all the wonders of Italian cooking: Italian sausage, garlic, tomatoes and red wines. Serve with hot bread and salad for a delicious...
Very yummy soup that has always been a hit! Main ingredients include ground beef, cabbage, tomato sauce, kidney beans and onion. I promise you won't regret...
Everyone who has tried this soup loves it. It is a good soup for veggie haters. Baking the potatoes first gives them the perfect texture for this thick...
This is an extremely tasty, refreshing cold soup that is wonderful on those hot, humid summer days... Did I mention that it's the easiest soup you'll ever...
My favorite fall soup of all time, roasted butternut squash soup is cheap, easy, nutrition, and absolutely delicious. If you're feeling like something...
This is a modified version of a recipe that I found on another site. Either canned or cooked black beans can be used. This soup freezes well and I usually...
The name Mulligatawny means 'pepper water', and curry is the particular ingredient that gives this incredible soup such a delicious I'm told....
This creamy (but cream-free!) soup is a great addition to any meal. It's quick and easy, you will have your guests thinking that you have been cooking...
Best potato soup with sausage ever with a variation of the original German soup. My family loves this soup and I never have leftovers. This recipe is one...
This is our favorite butternut squash soup and the whole family loves it. I usually make a huge pot of soup and freeze parts of it before adding the cream....
The finest of all cold soups--and the very best thing invented in the USA! This wonderful, smooth soup can be garnished with a very few finely chopped...
Hearty and healthy soup that is a favorite with friends and family. Sounds more difficult than it is. Try it! We're positive you'll be pleased. Serve with...
This is a fast and easy soup that I keep on hand at all times. Great for when an unexpected guest comes over. Inexpensive and freezes well, too. Warms...
A recipe a friend gave me, that I've used a couple of times with great success!! Butternut squash, carrots, and ginger each bring a unique quality to this...
This is an elegant version of the old-fashioned tomato and rice soup, studded with fresh seafood. If you want a simpler dish, omit the seafood. If you...
This soup is a traditional vegetable soup with a little extra. I added homemade dumplings like my mom use to make for me. She made her soup with all the...
I wanted a soup recipe that I could make with staples that I always have on hand. This has become a family favorite so I always make enough to freeze....
A gorgeous, healthy, and very tasty beet soup that's so simple to make. Beets and sauteed onions and garlic simmer in beef broth before being finished...
This is a very tasty soup that keeps up to 3 days in the fridge, and freezes well. When you ladle this soup into individual bowls, swirl a dollop of sour...
This exciting combination of ingredients is easy to make! Garbanzo beans, spinach, and potatoes are blended in a richly spiced, creamy vegetable broth...